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The USA Needs a Border Wall with Mexico?

 6 years ago

This motion created by Millie


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50% for
50% against
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This debate is located in USA

This debate is located in USA


The USA Needs a Border Wall with Mexico?

 6 years ago

This motion created by Millie


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1 vote for / 1 vote against

The Debate

This debate is located in the USA. Throughout his 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump called for the construction of a much larger and fortified border wall, claiming that if elected, he would "build the wall and make Mexico pay for it". The wall's purpose is to prevent illegal crossings from Mexico to the United States. The construction of a wall along the remaining 1,300 miles of the border could be as high as $16 million per mile, with the cost of private land acquisitions and fence maintenance pushing up the total cost to $25 billion.


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