3 votes for / 1 vote against
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3 votes for / 1 vote against
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In total agreement mate. I've been in self isolation since landing back from the UK on 17 March. Haven't even been able to hug my kids yet. Then you watch the news and see all the w*nk€rs at the beach ????
Bang on Browny. There will be no economy if everyone's dead. We must go 100 all out right now. Grow ya own food no need to go supermarket.
Richard I think you're absolute spot on. Clearly this virus is highly contagious and it seems the message isn't getting to all Australians. Almost every decisions you make can have a profound effect on the exponential nature of this virus. Minimise exposure where possible; yes we need food, but have it delivered or visit a grocery store you expect to be less crowded.
I challenge you on this Richard, are there exemptions to this blanket rule? Should all industries suffer the same fate, or are there reasons to suggest some are more important than others economically?
G'day Mate,
This is what Bill Gates was talking about in 2015. https://youtu.be/6Af6b_wyiwI . I hope we can have serious conversations can come out of this.
Consistent with the information available at the time of posting, greater focus should be directed to adequate enforcement of present measures than drafting and invoking further restrictions.
Steel, granted valid points.
I thought this would add to the discussion.
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